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What is a mouthguard for boxing?

A mouthguard for boxing is a protective device worn in the mouth during boxing, martial arts, and other contact sports. Its primary purpose is to protect the teeth, jaws, lips, and gums from injury during impact.
Boxing is a high impact sport where athletes are at risk of receiving punches to the face and head. Without proper protection, these impacts can lead to dental injuries, broken teeth, cuts to the lips and gums, and even jaw fractures. A mouthguard helps minimize the risk of such injuries by absorbing and distributing the force of impact.

Here´s how a mouthpiece for boxing works and why it´s important:
Function of a boxing mouthguard:
Shock Absorption: The mouthguard is made of a soft and flexible material that cushions the impact of punches and distributes the force over a larger area. This reduces the risk of immediate dental and facial injuries.
Protection against cuts and abrasions: The mouthguard covers the teeth, gums, and lips, providing a barrier that helps prevent cuts and abrasions from accidental collisions or blows.
Jaw alignment: A properly fitted mouthguard can also help stabilize the jaw and reduce the risk of jaw fractures by providing a buffer between the upper and lower teeth.

Choosing and using a boxing mouthguard:
Custom Fit vs. Boil and Bite: There are two main types of mouthguards: custom fit and boil and bite. Custom fit mouthguards are made by dental professionals based on a mold of your teeth, providing the best fit and protection. Boil and bite mouthguards are softened in hot water and then molded to your teeth for a more customized fit than pre made options.
Comfort and Fit: A well fitting mouthguard should feel comfortable and stay securely in place during vigorous movement. It should not interfere with breathing or speaking.
Quality Material: Look for mouthguards made from durable, non toxic materials that meet safety standards. High quality mouthguards provide better protection and durability.

Proper Care and Maintenance:
Cleaning: Rinse your mouthguard with cool water after each use. You can also clean it using a mild soap or mouthguard cleaner. Avoid using hot water, as it can distort the shape.
Storage: Store your mouthguard in a protective case to prevent damage and maintain hygiene.
Regular Inspection: Check your mouthguard regularly for signs of wear, tear, or damage. If you notice any issues, replace it promptly.
Replace as Needed: Mouthguards can become less effective over time due to wear and tear. Replace your mouthguard if it becomes damaged or doesn´t fit properly anymore.

Using a mouthguard is an important aspect of injury prevention in boxing and other combat sports. It´s an investment in your oral health and overall safety. Always wear a properly fitted mouthguard during training and competitions to help protect your teeth and reduce the risk of dental injuries. You can buy these mouthguards for boxing from these brands: Leone1947, Everlast, RDX Sports, Benlee, and Softee.
